Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

Since the internet is such a hot comodity amongst just about everyone from children, teens, college students, to job employers, what better way to look for a job then finding one online. In my personal opinion I believe that doing a job applicatin this way takes out the personal part of the interview. On the plus side applications done this way take out the middle man. Looking at an application this way allows for the employer to focus on the qualifications and the skill versus a first impression. "Over the past few years, a new type of social interaction has exploded onto the scene—online social networking" (Marketing: An Introduction, 10 ed. pg. 14) Many places now use social networking as an opportunity to grow. "Social networking media range from blogs to social networking Web sites, such as Facebook and YouTube, to entire virtual worlds, such as Second Life and Gaia Online. This new form of hightech buzz has big implications for marketers." (Marketing: An Introduction, 10ed. pg. 14) Sites like Twitter, Tumblr, and even Facebook can now be a means of getting a job. I you befriend people and or follow people through these sites and you have similar intrests then who to say that you can not get yourself to a place or get a job by the people that you know. As a person who lives in Las Vegas, knowing someone is everything. Even though the city may seem big to an outsider, for someone who lives in this town you truly know that Vegas is incredibly small and if you mess up here then you will no onger be able to work here. This also works in the opposite direction as wel though if you make a name for yourself here every one will know who you are. Or even if you become friends with someone and they begin to recognize the work that you do and produce they could mention your name and from there you could take off.  Social networking will get you a far way in this town and with the economy being the way that it is most employers enjoy the word of mouth  to find jobs or to sale a product versus the advertising avalible jobs. "But these days, thanks to modern technology, armed with little more than a video camera, laptop, and a cell phone, anyone can spread the word about products and brand experiences to thousands, even millions, of other consumers." If you work at a company and hear that there is a job opening in an area that say your friend is good at then you can suggest that person to whoever is hiring. By doing this you take out the middle stuff. The business will not have to spend money on advertising the job and taking time to interview 100's of 1000's of people.

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